6 Actionable SEO Techniques To Grow Your Audience

In the constantly changing SEO world, you cannot completely rely on techniques that were in effect 2 or 3 years back from now. Not just they are obsolete, but may also backfire your website’s ranking in a negative way. Hence, you should keep note of all the latest SEO techniques that can help you escalate your website rank and attract more loyal customers, organic traffic, revenues and sales.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s learn some productive SEO techniques and implement the same.

P.S. – Before you use any of the SEO techniques to skyrocket your rankings, it is recommended to analyse your website’s current ranking on online search engine results. There are number of tools available, using which you can determine your rank on Google and other search engines, as well. Once you got to know about your present status, you will easily understand how to execute the following techniques in the most effective manner.

Here we go –

  1. Improve User Engagement

The amount of time that a user spends on your website has a direct impact on your website ranking. Although, there is no official declaration about the same, yet several studies and research shows that a strong user engagement is highly essential to rank higher in the SERPs. The higher the bounce rate of a web page, the lower will be its rank. Obviously, Google and other search engines will always prefer to deliver the best search results to its users. So, you need to be very serious about the ‘user engagement’ factor that can be enhanced through the following tactics –

  • Use proper formatting
  • Use images
  • Use brackets
  • Use inverted pyramid style of writing
  1. YouTube SEO

In comparison to any types of videos, the videos uploaded on YouTube rank in the top 10 results of Google search. Hence, focusing on YouTube SEO is a productive strategy that will help your website gain quality traffic from YouTube and rank it on the first page on Google. Eventually, you will get just double traffic with the same existing content.

  • Create SEO friendly videos
  • Make your videos longer; at least 5 minutes long
  • Use better video thumbnails to get more clicks
  1. Focus on Content Topics

In today’s SEO age, it is very important to focus on the topic of the content, rather than just the keyword(s). As a website owner, you should understand that Google keeps changing its algorithm with a view to offer the best results to its users. This is why the major objective of the search engine is to produce the best search results that answer the users’ query in the most befitting manner. If you do a bit of self-study, you’ll realise that the best answer usually appears at the top of all the results. So, if you are investing all of your time, thinking what combination of keywords would match the exact search query, you should definitely change your strategies. You only need to focus on two major parameters –

  • Understand your target audience
  • Categorize your content as per different themes or different types of readers
  • Do not ignore keywords entirely. Just use some research based keywords that drives maximum results
  1. Reporting and Analytics

This is one of the most significant parts of SEO, as it aims towards improving your marketing strategies. As per some experts offering professional SEO services, an analytics platform helps website owners to track both micro and macro events, along with a complete understanding about the customer’s journey, right from the beginning to the end. For example, you will get to know which of your website pages were the most or least visited, which of your website content appealed to your audience and so on. To accomplish this, you can use the following tools –

  • Wayback Machine
  • Datastudio
  1. Technical Optimization

Besides SEO and content, one thing that is very important for your website, is technical optimization. If your website isn’t free from technical issues, you will never be able to get the desired results. Obviously, if the basic functions of the website are not working, how can you expect the audience to be attracted towards your website? So, you need to optimize your website technically, if you are very serious about quality results. You can use the following techniques –

  • Switch to HTTPS, as it is the securest version of HTTP
  • Make use of Accelerated Mobile Pages for creating responsive mobile-optimized content
  • Your website’s semantic markups should be correct
  • Use different SEO crawler programs to see how the performance of your webpages in SEO rankings
  • Use different Web Browser and WordPress Plugins, such as Ultimate Nofollow, Canonical etc.
  • Fix 404 Errors as soon as possible
  1. Improve Website Speed

Website speed is the major ranking factor since 2010, and Google has made sure that this factor is given high priority in the online search results. To help the developers, it even launched several tools, such as Accelerated Mobile Pages and Page Speed tool, which were meant to boost speed on mobile sites and improve site performance respectively. It even launched ‘Think with Google’ tool that involves speed as a parameter to check how responsive a website is. This clearly indicates that the search engine is very serious about the website loading speed. If your website doesn’t load within 3 seconds, the web users might abandon it. So, you need to invest much of your focus towards the site speed; it will not just boost your ranking, but also increase your conversion rate.

  • Compress the images
  • Use Browser Caching to reduce bandwidth usage
  • Use Content Delivery Network that will help in improving site speed site. It opens your website from a server that is located in close proximity to the geographic location of the user(s)

Other allied techniques

Apart from the above techniques, you can also use several other techniques that will drive quality results for you. Honestly speaking, we can come up with a full-fledged list, when it comes to talking about SEO techniques. However, it is always smart to work over few techniques that require little effort, but promise great instant results.

  • Make your existing pages longer
  • Build backlinks
  • Local SEO and listings
  • Guest posting
  • Compelling title and description
  • Internal Linking


The SEO world is constantly changing. Hence, you cannot stick to the same old strategies; you need to adapt quickly, in order to be ahead of the competition. Remember to focus on ways to engage your audience, content writing fundamentals, technical trends like site speed, SEO health, backlinks sand schema markup. Also make sure that you have a solid base on SEO basics, as the basic SEO rules will always help you stay protected against any change in Google algorithm. So, get started, attract your audience and become a competitive brand in your niche!!

Ravi Kumar, a digital marketing professional and writer working as a blogger and upcoming entrepreneur. I loves to make strategies & plans for business and clicks pictures in his free time. His favorite quote is “If you can learn to stand on the shoulders of giants, you can get bigger, faster.”.

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