Marketing Your Website 101: Make Effective Advertising

When looking for competent and solid web hosting, one of the things we look for most in a new host is a sack full of goodies. Yes, you heard us right, ladies and gentlemen: We want the whole works, including free advert credits with Yahoo!, Bing, Google, and anyone else that’s ready to throw their two pence into the lot. Why do we ask and demand these things from our hosts? After all, they’re just a bunch of cheap platitudes, right?

Actually, all of these freebie credits can add up to some seriously good advertising for your website, so long as you pick an appropriate time and situation to launch said adverts. You’ll also want to place them well, and ensure they’ve been crafted to meet the highest possible standards.

What are we on about? If you’re feeling a bit left out of the loop, don’t start panicking just yet. Today, we’ll be taking a full and in-depth look at how you can easily and simply improve the quality of your online advertisements in little to no time at all.

Ready to get cracking? Because we sure are! With that in mind, check below for our top tips on how to Instantly Improve your Website Advertisements:

  • Don’t Be: You Know, Boring!

Right out of the gate, it’s imperative that you be anything but ordinary—and stay as far away from the tone word “boring” as you possibly can. Now, we know what you’re thinking: “I’m an interesting person! How on earth could my advertisements be boring?”

Trust us, unless you’re taking a few extra minutes to truly consider how unique and eye-catching your copy or images are, you’re not doing your job right. Here’s what we mean:

Within frameworks like Google, Facebook and Twitter, people are typically at those locations to fulfill a need. They’re looking for something, or they’re enjoying some social time spent with their friends. This means they’re note intentionally looking for distractions vis-a-vis adverts in the gutters of the page.

All in all, this means you have got to be on top of your game. You’ll need to really craft an advertisement that’s so unique and so intr-iguing that the user instantly wants to learn more. Obviously this is the point of all advertisement, but when it comes to Web media, there are a few steps you can take to get the job done faster.

For instance, don’t explain fully what it is your product does. We’re not telling you to be vague, but we are saying you should leave a bit of mystique in the mix. Here’s an example:

Let’s say you own a sports collectible store slash lingerie shop—It’s odd we know, but please indulge us. In your Web advertisements you could say something like: “At Bob’s Balls and Boots Emporium, we’ve got something for the man and the misses!” And that’s pretty good.

But wouldn’t you much rather click on something that says, “Want him out of the couch and in the sack? Bob’s Balls and Boots Emporium for all your sporty, sexy needs!” We think you would.

The latter is a bit more enigmatic, and doesn’t directly state what it is that the shop does. Granted, the name of our fictional establishment is a bit vague to begin with, but we hope we’ve got the point across. To summarize, make your advertisement a mystery that needs and answer, and you’ll get click throughs every time.

  • Use the Right Demographics for the Tone

We realize that some of you may have been offended by our modestly lewd statements from above. We’re going to capitalize on those emotions to prove a point: Always know your demographic, and before you create a tone or message, see if they match up.

For instance, the message we created above would work best with younger, potentially married people who aren’t as sensitive to crass humor. When setting up our reach for this advertising campaign, we’ll need to reflect this data in who we send the adverts to. If we were to focus on retirement homes, we’re not likely to get quite as good of a reaction.

  • Have Money in Your Banana Stand

Along the same lines, ignoring any sort of emotional reactions, know who has money to spend on your services or products. This means you need to really stop to think about who in your demographic has the spare change to plunk down a few bucks on your bits.

For instance, we recently marketed a new iOS application through Facebook. Our app appealed most to young, creative types with a thick Web presence. Part of this demographic included children ages 11 to say 14 or 15. Obviously, we want these individuals to use the app. However, they’re not likely to have much spare change to contribute towards the app’s profits. Instead, we focused on the older half of our demographic spanning 18 to 25.

There are a number of ways to do this, and even adjusting the avenues in which you advertise your media can be important. For instance, if the websites we add our adverts to focus on that younger demographic, we’re effectively aware of the fact we’re shooting ourselves in the foot—we must take additional steps to stop the situation. This means refocusing on sites that appeal to the older side of the coin, and reaping the rewards.

  • Be Engaging

To add just a few final points to this piece, we’d simply like to say this: Advertising is not about snookering your customers into using your services. Rather, it’s about being engaging. From the ground up, try to be an interesting point of conversation and a hub of exploration for the Web. In what ways can you expand your brand to do this? How can it be modified slightly to improve its Picard Factor—In other words, “Engage!”

Ravi Kumar, a digital marketing professional and writer working as a blogger and upcoming entrepreneur. I loves to make strategies & plans for business and clicks pictures in his free time. His favorite quote is “If you can learn to stand on the shoulders of giants, you can get bigger, faster.”.

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